Sep 15, 2008

Wall E

So I know that this is late and that you've probably already basked in the glory that is Wall - E, but I want to talk about it none the less.

It seems that the super duo of Disney and Pixar have done it once again, grinding out another hit of a movie that is sure to entertain adults and kids alike (and even cynical teens like myself).  I have to say it, my icy little heart melted for Wall - E...I mean really, if you don't instantly fall in love with the tiny cubular robot, you're messed in the head. That's all there is to it.

Our protagonist, Wall-E (which stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth Class) is a robot that has been left to clean up a desolate earth, seeing as how its become one huge trash heap, bare of all life except for Wall - E and his small cockroach buddy. For the first part of the movie, there is NO DIALOGUE. But don't worry, the sheer beauty and physical humour will get you by easily...I know it did for me. Just when I started to get a bit bored, they introduced a new element to the story: Eve, a charming female robot who Wall E falls for completly. Who ever said that a robot romance was dull was obviously mentally un-stable.

After awhile, the movie takes an awesome twist, which I can't really talk about without ruining the film.

BUT I will say this: Wall-E is like an old 1970's dystopian future film of the sci-fi era that you used to see...... now add in brilliant visuals and an adorable robot, and that's Wall-E in a nutshell.

For me, the movie was great. I was always entertained, and yes, Wall E is my new obsession. I've decided that I'm going to build one for myself. He can walk me to class and carry my books for me and be my buddy. And after watching this movie, you'll want one too.

I have a Wall-E pez dispenser AND the soundtrack, which Peter Gabriel himself contributed too. I can't help it! Wall E is just too good to be true.

1 comment:

Gee-Gee said...

even though i think wall e might suck, i love you like a poop loves a butt.