Sep 27, 2008

Animation Fascination

So recently, the popular site Rotten Tomatoes published a list of what they thought were the 50 Best Animated films. 

Unlike most people, I don't live by the word of Rotten Tomatoes. I've discovered other movie review sites that are much more interesting, entertaining, en lightning, etc. But I was curious to see what RT had cooked up this time around, and I took a hesitant look.

For the most part, I agreed with alot of the movie choices. With films like Persepolis, The Beatles Yellow SubmarineThe Triplettes of Belleville, Wall E, Kung Foo Panda, Mulan, and many others that peppered the list, I was content. That being said......the list did manage (of course) to screw up.

First of all, Toy Story 2 was declared the number one animated movie of all, I don't think its the worst animated movie of all time by any means. I remember watching it in a theatre as a kid, and being entertained and loving every second of it. Years later, I watched it again and enjoyed. Why the grudge then, you might ask? Because I don't think its the best animated film of all time. Of course its all a matter of opinion...but I was sticking it out for a Ralph Bakshi film to win.

In case you don't know, Ralph Bakshi was a film maker and animator who revolutionized animated films and the technique of rotoscoping in the 70's. At the time, animation was a dying art, and it was considered to be an art form used only to make fluff films to entertain kids. Bakshi set out and decided to show everyone that this was not the case, and that animation was a good, dramatic medium. He did just this, and produced such films as Coon Skin, Fritz the Cat, Wizards, The Hobbit (and yes, I do mean the original....don't even dare to make fun) and my personal favourite: American Pop.

American Pop outlines 4 generations of a Russian family, and how the influence popular American music. It is a beautiful story with amazing animation, breath taking music, and all in all its an amazing animated film, and I was shocked when it wasn't on the list.

Check out American Pop here. This is the last bit of the movie, but the piano intro used for Night Moves is breath taking. Oh, and here's the RT's list so you can see for yourself if your personal favourite was included.

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