Sep 16, 2008

Jack White, James Bond and Coca Cola

So recently, Jack White, lead singer and guitarist of The White Stripes, and The Racontuers recorded the theme song to the up coming 007 film, the Quantum of Solace with Grammy award winning artist Alicia Keys.

The song that is used for 007 movies is always important, and helps sets the tone, mood etc of the film. Usually its an honour to be picked to help record or contribute to the process, and I'm sure that both White and Keys have come up with something brilliant.

Unfortunately, soda tycoon Coca Cola got their hands on the tune (how is completely unknown.....) and used a version featuring just the music in a commercial of theirs. White of course, its outraged because the song was not supposed to be released before the film, (which comes to theatres November 14th 2008 in Canada). 

How this happened I have no idea. How does the song that is being used in a highly anticipated block buster wind up in the greedy paws of a soda company? I don't pretend to understand how corporations work, or how deals are made, but all in all it makes no sense what so ever. The only thing that I can come up with is that it came down to money. Some kind of back alley deal must have been made that involved a fair sum of cash....and being the greedy human beings we are...someones knees weakened at the sight of a suitcase full of cash, and caved in.

This is what really bothers me most about the entertainment matter how hard you try, there's no knowing how or when or where your creation will be used. You put time, effort energy and creativity into making something that's special to you, and your fans. You try to make a little impact and make something people will enjoy. And somehow, through stupidity, your work of art gets passed along for a few thousand dollars...and you'll never see any of that money.

And when this happens, you feel like a pawn in a giant chess game that's out to screw you over. I can't imagine feeling so used and angry. In the entertainment industry, it will always come down to someone wanting something badly...and having the money to pay someone off to get it. In the mean time, I'm going to boycott everyones favourite cola in favour of a more artist-friendly soda. 
Pepsi, anyone?

Post Script: 
After I did some more digging around, I thought that it should be noted that this Bond theme is making Bond Music History: Never has a duet been used to record a James Bond movie theme...which makes this matter so much more infuriating.

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