Sep 27, 2008

Animation Fascination

So recently, the popular site Rotten Tomatoes published a list of what they thought were the 50 Best Animated films. 

Unlike most people, I don't live by the word of Rotten Tomatoes. I've discovered other movie review sites that are much more interesting, entertaining, en lightning, etc. But I was curious to see what RT had cooked up this time around, and I took a hesitant look.

For the most part, I agreed with alot of the movie choices. With films like Persepolis, The Beatles Yellow SubmarineThe Triplettes of Belleville, Wall E, Kung Foo Panda, Mulan, and many others that peppered the list, I was content. That being said......the list did manage (of course) to screw up.

First of all, Toy Story 2 was declared the number one animated movie of all, I don't think its the worst animated movie of all time by any means. I remember watching it in a theatre as a kid, and being entertained and loving every second of it. Years later, I watched it again and enjoyed. Why the grudge then, you might ask? Because I don't think its the best animated film of all time. Of course its all a matter of opinion...but I was sticking it out for a Ralph Bakshi film to win.

In case you don't know, Ralph Bakshi was a film maker and animator who revolutionized animated films and the technique of rotoscoping in the 70's. At the time, animation was a dying art, and it was considered to be an art form used only to make fluff films to entertain kids. Bakshi set out and decided to show everyone that this was not the case, and that animation was a good, dramatic medium. He did just this, and produced such films as Coon Skin, Fritz the Cat, Wizards, The Hobbit (and yes, I do mean the original....don't even dare to make fun) and my personal favourite: American Pop.

American Pop outlines 4 generations of a Russian family, and how the influence popular American music. It is a beautiful story with amazing animation, breath taking music, and all in all its an amazing animated film, and I was shocked when it wasn't on the list.

Check out American Pop here. This is the last bit of the movie, but the piano intro used for Night Moves is breath taking. Oh, and here's the RT's list so you can see for yourself if your personal favourite was included.

Sep 20, 2008

Quantum of Solace Theme Song is HERE!

So this is a bit of a follow up to my previous post about Jack White and the Quantum of Solace Theme song.

So by now its well known that the dynamic duo of Alicia Keys and Jack White paired up to make the theme for the up coming film...and I was pretty intrigued. Considering their two unique sounds (listen to Bone Broke by The White Stripes and No One by Keys) I was really curious to find out how the two were going to come together and make it all work.

WELL now we can finally find out! Here's a link to the theme song, tell me what you think! Personally, I think I might have to listen to it a few more times before I love it, but considering that most of what White does is genius...and that Keys is a hit-making machine...I think most people will like.

Give it a spin, tell me what you think.

Sep 16, 2008

Jack White, James Bond and Coca Cola

So recently, Jack White, lead singer and guitarist of The White Stripes, and The Racontuers recorded the theme song to the up coming 007 film, the Quantum of Solace with Grammy award winning artist Alicia Keys.

The song that is used for 007 movies is always important, and helps sets the tone, mood etc of the film. Usually its an honour to be picked to help record or contribute to the process, and I'm sure that both White and Keys have come up with something brilliant.

Unfortunately, soda tycoon Coca Cola got their hands on the tune (how is completely unknown.....) and used a version featuring just the music in a commercial of theirs. White of course, its outraged because the song was not supposed to be released before the film, (which comes to theatres November 14th 2008 in Canada). 

How this happened I have no idea. How does the song that is being used in a highly anticipated block buster wind up in the greedy paws of a soda company? I don't pretend to understand how corporations work, or how deals are made, but all in all it makes no sense what so ever. The only thing that I can come up with is that it came down to money. Some kind of back alley deal must have been made that involved a fair sum of cash....and being the greedy human beings we are...someones knees weakened at the sight of a suitcase full of cash, and caved in.

This is what really bothers me most about the entertainment matter how hard you try, there's no knowing how or when or where your creation will be used. You put time, effort energy and creativity into making something that's special to you, and your fans. You try to make a little impact and make something people will enjoy. And somehow, through stupidity, your work of art gets passed along for a few thousand dollars...and you'll never see any of that money.

And when this happens, you feel like a pawn in a giant chess game that's out to screw you over. I can't imagine feeling so used and angry. In the entertainment industry, it will always come down to someone wanting something badly...and having the money to pay someone off to get it. In the mean time, I'm going to boycott everyones favourite cola in favour of a more artist-friendly soda. 
Pepsi, anyone?

Post Script: 
After I did some more digging around, I thought that it should be noted that this Bond theme is making Bond Music History: Never has a duet been used to record a James Bond movie theme...which makes this matter so much more infuriating.

'Sarah Who?' or 'Plucked From Obscurity: The Sarah Palin Story'

So by now we all know that John McCains running mate is none other than the Alaskan princess herself Sarah Palin. Plucked from the tundra, Palin has been shoved into the spotlight...along with all her extra baggage....and by baggage I mean scandal. The Pro-Life lovin' govenor has a 17 year old daughter (who happens to also be a mum herself). She hunts caribou, is an ex beauty queen and is read to lead.

After reading a well written article from Time magazine on Palin, I learned a few things. For one, some how or another, the topic of abortion and its moral complications are almost always brought up during debates. When she became mayor of her small Alaskan town, she sacked many people in office....some of whom had supported her during the race and had helped her get her position. When her 2 terms as mayor were up, her Step-Mum decided to have a go at politics. Palin decided not to support her step mother, because she was pro-choice. Instead of not supporting ANYONE in the race, she supported her challenger, because he has pro-life, just like Palin.

Now, I don't care what the issues are. When it comes down to it, the only people you have in this world are your family and don't screw around with them. You stick by them no matter what, and especially in an endeavour as big as running for a political position (even if it is just a small town election, they need all the emotional support they can get). That being said, if you don't think that your relative is in the right, then don't support anybody. Just stay out of the election all together, and wish her the best. But to publicly support her competitor is just bad politics.
So to say the least, I am not a fan of Ms.Palin.

What scares me most though, is that being a 72 year old male, McCain (statistically speaking) is most likely to kick the bucket in a few years. If he gets elected, and dies...then Palin will become president, if even for a short while. Like I said before, I respect all forms of politics, even small town mayors. Start from the bottom and work your way up...I'm good with that. But how McCain thought a mayor was able to successfully be his running mate is crap. Other that her small experience, how is Palin qualified to lead anything except possibly a caribou hunt? How could she handle leading an entire country, and the most watched and important country in the world? (sad, but true). What was McCain thinking?!

Well, McCain wasn't thinking. AT least, he wasn't thinking in a right state of mind. This election (from the start) has been all about land marks: First possible female president, first possible black president, first possible senior citizen president, etc etc. With Hillary Clinton out of the race, McCain must have thought that some women felt lost. Where was their suffragette saviour Hillary? Who were they going to vote for now? McCain suddenly had the brilliant idea to introduce a female vice president, attempting to give women another place in the election and get a leg up on Obama. This of course, is a scum bag thing to do, and my discontent for McCain deepens.

All I can say is that I hope that Obama wins, so we won't have to deal with another term of the same crap we've been getting for the past eight years. For what its worth, this Canadian is all for Barack. Once you go Barack, you'll never go back.

Sep 15, 2008

Wall E

So I know that this is late and that you've probably already basked in the glory that is Wall - E, but I want to talk about it none the less.

It seems that the super duo of Disney and Pixar have done it once again, grinding out another hit of a movie that is sure to entertain adults and kids alike (and even cynical teens like myself).  I have to say it, my icy little heart melted for Wall - E...I mean really, if you don't instantly fall in love with the tiny cubular robot, you're messed in the head. That's all there is to it.

Our protagonist, Wall-E (which stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth Class) is a robot that has been left to clean up a desolate earth, seeing as how its become one huge trash heap, bare of all life except for Wall - E and his small cockroach buddy. For the first part of the movie, there is NO DIALOGUE. But don't worry, the sheer beauty and physical humour will get you by easily...I know it did for me. Just when I started to get a bit bored, they introduced a new element to the story: Eve, a charming female robot who Wall E falls for completly. Who ever said that a robot romance was dull was obviously mentally un-stable.

After awhile, the movie takes an awesome twist, which I can't really talk about without ruining the film.

BUT I will say this: Wall-E is like an old 1970's dystopian future film of the sci-fi era that you used to see...... now add in brilliant visuals and an adorable robot, and that's Wall-E in a nutshell.

For me, the movie was great. I was always entertained, and yes, Wall E is my new obsession. I've decided that I'm going to build one for myself. He can walk me to class and carry my books for me and be my buddy. And after watching this movie, you'll want one too.

I have a Wall-E pez dispenser AND the soundtrack, which Peter Gabriel himself contributed too. I can't help it! Wall E is just too good to be true.