Jan 11, 2009

Golden Globe: Predictions

So I have to admit: I'm terrible at these award shows. No, I'm not talking about weather or not I win the heated debates over who had the nicest dress ( I frankly could care less about what garb the celebs have decided to drape over their delicate frames). I mean that I am terrible at guessing who will win what.
I'm torn between what I want to win, and what I honestly think will win. This year, I'm much more interested than I usually am, seeing as how I'm listened to and read MANY reviews of the films that are nominated this year, and even seen a few of them myself (Benjamin Button review, coming soon by the way). That being said, on with the predictions!

Best Motion Picture: Drama
Hmm, this is a hard one, but I'm pretty sure that either Benjamin Button or Slumdog Millionaire will take this one...I'm honestly surprised that Milk wasn't nominated and but in the race in this category, but meh, what can you do? I'd be surprised if Rev. Road or The Reader took this (sorry, Kate Winslet) and Frost/Nixon would be a good surprise.

Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
I'm thinking that sadly, Mamma Mia! will steal this award......Abba and Streep? Its too powerful a concept to ignore. Personally though, I'd like to see Burn After Reading to get this one.

Best Actor, Motion Picture Drama
Leonardo DiCaprio (Revolutionary Road)
Frank Langella (Frost/Nixon)
Sean Penn (Milk)
Brad Pitt (Benjamin Button)
Mickey Rourke (The Wrestler)
So many good performances, so few awards....I hate to say it Leo, but I think you're out of your league here. I love you, I really do. But I'm pretty sure that the real race is between Langella, Penn, Pitt and Rourke.......possible win for Pitt? I hope so.

Best Actress, Motion Picture Drama
Anne Hathaway (Rachel Getting Married)
Angelina Jolie (Changeling)
Meryl Streep (Doubt)
Kristen Thomas (I've Loved You So Long)
Kate Winslet (Revolutionary Road)
My bet here is that either Streep or Winslet will win this one....Jolie isn't due for a GG yet, Hathaways film was too indie (although I would love to see her win) and to be honest, I've heard nothing about I've Loved You So Long.....so I doubt it will win.....

Best Actor, Motion Picture Musical or Comedy
Javier Bardem (Vicky Christina Barcelona)
Colin Farrell (In Bruges)
James Franco (Pineapple Express)
Brendan Gleeson (In Bruges)
Dustin Hoffman (Last Change Harvey)
Okay, I'll say this now: if either actor for In Bruge wins.....I don't even know what I'll do...but it will be drastic and un called for. My bet is for Hoffman....but my heart belongs to Franco....his performance made me laugh so hard I fell out of my chair and cried...'nuff said.

Best Actress, Musical or Comedy
Rebecca Hall (Vicky Cristina Barcelona)
Sally Hawkins (Happy-Go-Lucky)
Frances McDormand (Burn After Reading)
Meryl Streep (Mamma Mia!)
Emma Thompson (Last Chance Harvey
Basically none of the performances here are outstanding...and I don't really care about who wins this one.....but I'm going to assume that an un-deserved GG is going to Streep for this one....god, how I'm starting to hate musicals.....

Best Supporting Actor, Motion Picture
Tom Cruise (Tropic Thunder)
Robert Downey Jr. (Tropic Thunder)
Ralph Fiennes (The Dutchess)
Philip Seymour Hoffman (Doubt)
Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight)
This category is the one that has my knickers in a knot.......I'm hoping, no, PRAYING that Ledger wins this. He deserves it, he really honestly does. BUT I fear that Hoffman might steal this one......Downey Jr. would be my second hope for who wins...and seriously? Tom Cruise?! Who in the hell thought that his performance was honestly so amazing that he deserved an award? WHO?!

Best Supporting Actress, Motion Picture
Amy Adams (Doubt)
Penelope Cruz (Vicky Cristina Barcelona)
Viola Davis (Doubt)
Marisa Tomei (The Wrestler)
Kate Winslet (The Reader)
Ideally, Winslet will win this one ( I think that she put out two solid performances this year, and at least ONE of them should be recognized). Its possible that either Cruz or (less possibly) Tomei might take it, though.

Best Animated Feature Film
Wall E is going to win this, hands down. I will be extremly surprised if it doesn't....Pixar usually does, and lets face it: a cute dystopian movie with a lovable robot love story mixed in? Done deal, my friends, done deal. 

Best Foriegn Language Film
I hate to say it, but this year I have seen none of the films that are nominated in this category, and I apologize. I really can't say who I think will win this category...but a blind stab in the dark is I've Loved You So Long. But hey, what do I know?

Best Director, Motion Picture
Danny Boyle Slumdog Millionaire
Stephen Daldry The Reader
David Fincher Benjamin Button
Ron Howard Frost/Nixon
Sam Mendes Revolutionary Road 
Another tough one...but I'm thinking either Boyle, Howard or Fincher will win (in that order, Boyle being most likely, etc).

Best Screenplay, Motion Picture
Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire 
Both Doubt and BB are adaptations....so although they could win, this award might be given to a more original work like Slumdog or Frost/Nixon.

Best Original Score
Benjamin Button (Alexandre Desplat)
Changeling (Clint Eastwood...wait, what!!!)
Defiance (James Newton Howard)
Slumdog Millionaire (A. R. Rahman)
Frost/Nixon (Hans Zimmer
I have no idea, who will win this!! I try really hard to try and remember the music and the ambience in a film as a result of that music, but I never can. But the big news here is omigodclinteastwood!! I honestly didn't know that he was that big of a composer. Thats pretty impressive......but for me, Hans Zimmer is the man (random fact: he and fellow nominee James Newton Howard composed The Dark Knight score together....speaking of which, why isn't TDK score nominated?! It was mind blowing).

Best Original Song
Down to Earth by Peter Gabriel and Thomas Newton (Wall E)
Gran Torino by Clint Eastwood, Jamie Cullum, Kyle Eastwood, Micheal Stevens (Gran Torino)
Once in a Lifetime by BeyoncĂ© Knowles, Amanda Ghost, Scott McFarmon, Ian Dench, James Dring and Jody Street (Cadillac Records)
This is the last category that I'm going to discuss, and, although its been said before, I'll say it again: This is a tough one. I love my man Gabriel, and hope he pulls through....but Springsteen is a good contendor, too. Oh, and god help us if the Cyrus song wins....just sayin'.

Well, that's that. No, I'm not going into the tv awards because I don't watch television and thus don't really care. The film awards are the only things that really matter to me, and tomorrow we'll see how right I was (don't hold your breath though, I'm usually wrong about these sorts of things). And remember, even if your favourite film/performance/song/score  doesn't win, there's always the barrage of other award shows coming up (DGA's, Oscar's, etc etc). And if you want, you can see the full, official list of categories and nominees here. Enjoy!

PS You'll notice that I've linked some of the nominees to individual trailers. Also, the nominees for Best Original Song are linked to youtube videos...most are amv's...sorry, its the best I could do, but I thought I'd do a little something extra for my fellow film fans. 

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