Dec 29, 2008

Revival of Vinyl Part II: The Revival Begins?

So awhile ago (and by awhile I mean months and months ago) I did a piece on the possible revival of vinyl. As we all know, vinyl is the format that our parents used to listen to music, while now a days we kids download everything we listen to, and if not that, function by using compact discs (remember those?!).  I for one am really sick of all of our music being little bits of data that sits at our computers, humming away electronically. Buying megabits from corporate Nazi Steve Jobs really isn't the way things are supposed to be. Also, the music sounds different. Its cold, metallic. It doesn't have the warm presence that vinyl brought into a room. Sure, everything electronic rules all now, and thanks to the compression of music, its more easily accessible and transportable, and it can get to more people. I understand all of this to be a good thing. But as I've mentioned before I believe that thanks to new technology, music is viewed as more of a product than an art form in today's world. That it alienates the listener from the music, everything sounds too digital and sterile, etc etc.

BUT while flipping through the latest issue of Rolling Stone Magazine I cam across some great statistics that warms my LP lade heart.

Sales for 2008 of all vinyl units are expected to hit 1.6 million, greater than 2007's 1 million mark: thus showing us that vinyl sales are up approximately only one year!!  If this movement of people switching to an older but familiar format of music, vinyl could soar in 2009, and possibly (though I dare not say it) possibly come close to giving iTunes a run for its money.

Though that's not very likely, one can hope. Hopefully, artists will continue to do things like release special edition vinyl for all their hardcore fans, or follow the route of great bands like the Arcade Fire, and release their album on vinyl first and then include downloading codes to get the songs digitally. Great idea, right? This way, everybody wins: fans can keep the tracks they love on their computers as well as on their turn tables.

Another trend for artists is to re-release digitally remastered copies of their album back on to vinyl, giving it great sound quality but also integrating that with the originally sound of vinyl, to come up with a listening experience like no other (an example of this is the Sex Pistols Album Never Mind the Bollocks which has been re-issued).

Also, just a few things to get you in the mood for some serious vinyl: Watch the movie High Fidelity. Not only is it a great, funny, off beat romantic comedy, but the main character owns his own record store and is heavily involved in all things music. If that doesn't turn you on to it, it stars John Cusack (yes, THAT guy who held a boom box above his head in the rain and set the standard for all guys) and funny man Jack Black who is as funny as ever. A must see for anyone.
And last but not least, Sleeve Face is a site where you can post pictures of yourself holding a record in front of your face or some other body part. Sounds simple enough, right? Well some people get really creative with it, and I could literally spend hours trolling through pages upon pages of hilarious creations. They also have a book out now featuring the best of the best. By the way, no I'm not getting paid to promote this stuff, I just love it and am a huge fan. 

As for me, I'm doing my part by (hopefully) getting a turntable in the next little while and stocking up on some sweet vinyl. Now, I'm not going to plead with you to do the same, but I'm just saying this: if you have an old turntable in your basement that's been collecting dust for the past few years, now might be the time to dust off that old wheezer and plunk a record on it. Who knows? You might be the first of your friends to be on to 'the hip new thing' and if not....well at least you know that somewhere, I'm giving you a thumbs up (or something equally as least I will, if I'm not too busy listening to an original cut of Blonde on Blonde, that is).


Marcie said...

Gotta love and the vintage Dylan albums

Chloe Barker said...

Fo sho, Ewan. And the book sleeveface is pretty damn good too. A very nice human being got it for me, and I'm eternally grateful.