Dec 29, 2008

Hibernation, Christmas and Movie Reviews

So as you have probably noticed, yours truly hasn't been posting blogs in awhile. Maybe you've been sad to sit down at your computer and realize that 'Hey, whatshername hasn't written anything lately. Boy, do I miss her cynical way of thinking and razor sharp witt.'.....and then again maybe you haven't. But anyways, its true that I haven't been writing a lot lately. I blame this on the fact that its winter, and when winter comes around, I become a bit of a bear in the way that I sleep for mass quantities of time. Its insane, really how much I sleep in a day now. I could put  a sloth to shame.

But I digress: as I've mentioned before, its winter which means it's also my winter break.....which in turn means that I have a whole lotta free time on my hands. And what do I turn to when I have nothing to do? Movies, of course! 

So seeing as how I'm sluggish lately and have a lot of movies and a lot of free time on my hands, I have a proposition: I'm going to do movie reviews! Yes, lucky you, right? How wonderful it will be for you to sit down at your computer and read my thoughts on a movie that, given is a few years old, you may have forgotten or never even heard about! Think of it as my....belated Christmas gift to all of you: A week of movie reviews! 

All the films that will be watched are, of course, of my own personal collection, and what a collection it is! I have actors from Jack Black to Will Ferrell to Jude Law to Christain Bale (that's right folks: BATMAN).  So sit back and relax, and enjoy. First review, coming later today.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

I'm commenting on behalf of PETA. Do you have any idea of the stress you have put on sloths by out sleeping them? Have you ever, even once looked into the eyes of an ashamed sloth? It is heartbreaking

But thank you for the belated Christmas present Jr. intern.