Jan 24, 2008

My Super Cynical Sweet 16

Okay, so as most of you may know, today is my birthday (aka: My Super Cynical Sweet 16). Why cynical? Because I find that now a days, people blow birthdays way out of proportion. Sure, I like getting gifts and eating a sugary item of my choice just as much as anyone, but all a birthday is to me is a celebration of the fact that I have gone another year with dying, and that I am possibly one year closer to death. Woopie.
I also hate the singing. I have despised the birthday song ever since the ripe old age of 5, possible earlier. I always felt awkward and spiteful sitting there, while everyone sang a stupid song off-key. I always have, and chances are that I always will.
Also, my birthday falls right before exams, so it is kind of bitter sweet. Presents today, math evaluation tomorrow.
Also, even though I did it this year, I despise the people of the earth that insist of putting on their face book page that it is their birthday. In fact, I think that I despise face book over all. It is the ultimate stalker tool, there are a bunch of pointless applications (I don't care what kind of eyes I have!!), I hate being tagged in embarrassing photos, and I am in for a wave half hearted wall posts from people that I barely know.
On the bright side, I got some GREAT presents from my absolute best friends, and I get to go home and sleep and eat artery-clogging cake. Maybe there is hope for this stupid celebration, after all.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

aw they've made a big deal over birthdays for years. Why do you think the 16th thing started? It was when parents would present their daughters to the world and say "ain't she a looker, now some rich snob come and marry her before we drop dead!"
Thank your parents, they're not doing that