Jan 21, 2008

It's the Most Horrible Time Of the Year

Okay, so for the most part of this little mini-rant, I am speaking from my point of view, which is that of a high school student, so bear with me.
This is by far the crappiest time of the year. The weather is either a gross wet, soggy cold, or a harsh dry cold. The Christmas Holiday buzz is done, everyone is bitchy because......exams are coming up.
How would you like it if you found out after a nice holiday, that suddenly in less than 3 weeks, you were going to have to write a HUGE test that counted as a large part of your mark? You would be stressed out, bitchy, anxious, confused, frustrated, tired and over all PISSED OFF.
Also, it just so happens that this is the time of year when we wind down, review, and NOTHING is going on. It's not until second semester that the school show is put on, and therefor, it is not until second semester that I can do what I love most: Stage Manage. I can't wait until I can sit at my desk and record blocking for scenes and run back and forth from the drama room to the stage. The anticipation is killing me.
So before February will hit, I will more than likely be dead from the anticipation, the stress of exams, and the over all sense of doom and destruction.

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