Aug 3, 2011


( It's so hard to write about him without feeling cliche and cheesy and ridiculous and idiotic. But I'm going to try anyways. It's not very original, it's not very clever, but it's something. )

I love him.
I love him when he's just waking up. When the grey morning light creeps in and pokes at his un-spectacled eyes.
I love him when he's about to fall asleep. When I can feel his wonderful body slowing down, and giving in to dreaming.
I love him when he's standing next to me, making perfect omelettes for un-perfect little me.
I love him when he's sitting across from me at a tacky restaurant on the side of the highway.
I love him when we skate along the canal at 11 at night.
I love him when we walk through the camp grounds at 5 in the morning.
I love him when he wears his leather jacket in the winter.
I love him when he wears his jorts in the summer.
I love him in 140 characters.
I love him in 10 page letters.
I love him when we drink coffee together in over priced cafes.
I love him when we drink beer together beside impromptu fires.
I love him when we're holding hands.
I love him when we're wrestling.
I love him in Ontario.
I love him in Saskatchewan.
I love him when he whispers into my ear.
I love him when he screams into a microphone.
I love him when we're watching foreign films in an old movie theatre.
I love him when we're watching 1990's spiderman in his dorm room.
I love him in his purple saturn.
I love him in a white and red bus.
I loved him yesterday.
I love him today.
And I'll love him again tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow....

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