Jan 24, 2008

My Super Cynical Sweet 16

Okay, so as most of you may know, today is my birthday (aka: My Super Cynical Sweet 16). Why cynical? Because I find that now a days, people blow birthdays way out of proportion. Sure, I like getting gifts and eating a sugary item of my choice just as much as anyone, but all a birthday is to me is a celebration of the fact that I have gone another year with dying, and that I am possibly one year closer to death. Woopie.
I also hate the singing. I have despised the birthday song ever since the ripe old age of 5, possible earlier. I always felt awkward and spiteful sitting there, while everyone sang a stupid song off-key. I always have, and chances are that I always will.
Also, my birthday falls right before exams, so it is kind of bitter sweet. Presents today, math evaluation tomorrow.
Also, even though I did it this year, I despise the people of the earth that insist of putting on their face book page that it is their birthday. In fact, I think that I despise face book over all. It is the ultimate stalker tool, there are a bunch of pointless applications (I don't care what kind of eyes I have!!), I hate being tagged in embarrassing photos, and I am in for a wave half hearted wall posts from people that I barely know.
On the bright side, I got some GREAT presents from my absolute best friends, and I get to go home and sleep and eat artery-clogging cake. Maybe there is hope for this stupid celebration, after all.

Jan 21, 2008

It's the Most Horrible Time Of the Year

Okay, so for the most part of this little mini-rant, I am speaking from my point of view, which is that of a high school student, so bear with me.
This is by far the crappiest time of the year. The weather is either a gross wet, soggy cold, or a harsh dry cold. The Christmas Holiday buzz is done, everyone is bitchy because......exams are coming up.
How would you like it if you found out after a nice holiday, that suddenly in less than 3 weeks, you were going to have to write a HUGE test that counted as a large part of your mark? You would be stressed out, bitchy, anxious, confused, frustrated, tired and over all PISSED OFF.
Also, it just so happens that this is the time of year when we wind down, review, and NOTHING is going on. It's not until second semester that the school show is put on, and therefor, it is not until second semester that I can do what I love most: Stage Manage. I can't wait until I can sit at my desk and record blocking for scenes and run back and forth from the drama room to the stage. The anticipation is killing me.
So before February will hit, I will more than likely be dead from the anticipation, the stress of exams, and the over all sense of doom and destruction.

Jan 12, 2008

Talking About my Generation

So I hate to, but I have to say it:
Our generation is going down the drain, and FAST.
In history class the other day, my teacher held up a cartoon, which clearly depicted George W Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice. No one, except for me, was able to tell who they were, and what their positions where.
Besides the fact that the USA happens to be our neighbours, they also happen to be the most powerful country in the world, and the Bush Administrative Government is the most watched and scrutinized in the media. So why is it that 15 year olds, people that in a few years are going to be driving and voting, have no idea who one (if not THE) most powerful man in the world right now is?( I am sadly referring to Bush, although Cheney and Rice do have status, too).
Why is it that more teens in an academic class can name the most popular hip hop artist, but not the capital of Egypt? Why is it that more people care about where to shop, than what country the US is invading? And why is it that more people can name every member of G-Unit, but can't name all 4 members of the most influential pop/rock group ever: The Beatles?
Let's face it: We live in a capitalist, commercial society that cares more about Prada's fall line than the situation in Iraq. Even some of our parents are more interested in what neighbour is getting fat than what's happening politically in their own country, and the sad thing is that there seems to be no way to stop it.
I believe that yes, it is important to keep up with some popular culture so that you can relate to and have conversations with people, but I also believe that it is more important to have a firm grasp on history, politics, and world issues and relations than football scores.
So, I am asking anyone and everyone to band together, and honestly give a shit. Sure, Paris Hilton is out of jail and J-lo is pregnant, but what about the US election coming up? The possibility of the draft coming back into effect? The effects of global warming becoming more and more severe?
I can sum this up in one quote:
"20 years from now, no one is going to care what jeans you wore, where you bought your clothes, or how cool your shoes were. What IS going to matter is WHAT you learned, and what you did with it."