Jun 19, 2010

Me and My Philosophy: Making You Think.

So I have a personal philosophy when it comes to writing. I feel that many people think that for the most part, a writers job is 'easy' or could be done by anyone, but for me I don't think that statement could be farther from the truth. It takes a certain kind of person to be able to coherently and eloquently translate their thoughts, philosophies, ideas, etc into written word that can not only be read by other people, but that can be truly absorbed and taken into consideration. And that's where my philosophy stems from: the fact that if you are a writer, your job isn't necessarily to write, it's to make people think.
Today, we live in a world where not enough people think for themselves. Because of the internet, we have an endless myriad of sources to get our ideas from, and while this is a great thing (imagine the digital think tank we've created), this also means that people have gotten sloppy when it comes to forming their own opinions. After awhile, people stop researching events and people for themselves, and rely on bloggers to get all their information and opinions from. And while I'm not trying to degrade blogging by any means, I am saying that there is a dark side to the fact that we have so many sources from which to draw from, which is where the problem lies: there are so many places to get knowledge that people stop hunting and settle for just one.
Now, I'm not trying to say that I wouldn't be honored if the only blog you read was mine. On the contrary, that would be outstanding, but at the same time, I would only hope that my reading my blog, you weren't just taking everything I saw and repeating it when certain subjects came up.
I feel like this happens a lot, that people are starting to become opinion parrots, taking what someone else researched and thought of and making it their own idea as well. This is a problem.
In order for the world to work, we have to have a society where everyone has an opinion that is based from their own philosophies, ideas, research, experience, and beliefs. When you take someone else's opinion and allow them to think for you, you're really taking away your own worth as an intelligent, thoughtful human being.
At the end of the day, you might not agree with what I say. You might think that I'm completely and utterly wrong, and that I'm somewhat of an idiot, or a liberal, or a neo hippie, or anything from the book of conservative insults that people tout with them and whip out whenever confronted with something new(zing). As long as what I said inspired you to write your own rebuttal, or do your own research, or watch a documentary on the subject, as long as what I said inspired you to think,that it sparked an original thought to pass through your head, then I consider that the biggest reward to what I do. I will have considered my piece a success, my job well done, and my philosophy achieved.

1 comment:

brent8 said...

Good ideas but don't forget the conservatives have ideas too,and they have a right to think what they will.There is a reason that they are in power now. You and I might not agree with them but they can't be all wrong or they wouldn't have been around for so long.